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How to talk about climate change

How to talk about climate change

As often the first contact with community members regarding their health, and the health of the community, healthcare workers and allies hold a privileged position to engage people in the health emergency that is climate change. Here are some useful resources that may help you to hold those conversations with others.

  • Real, Urgent and Now: Communicating the Health Impacts of Climate Change. Climate & Health Alliance: 2021. A communication guide to empower health professionals to talk publicly about climate change and health.

  • Relevant, Immediate, Local: Guide to Communicating Climate Change in Australia by Amanda McKenzie. Climate Council of Australia: 2014.

  • How to Talk About Climate Change in a Way that Makes a Difference. Dr Rebecca Huntley: 2020.

  • Let's talk health & climate: Communication guidance for health professionals. ecoAmerica: 2016. US resource designed to be useful for experienced and novice climate change and health communicators alike. This guide synthesizes the latest academic research and message testing on climate communications from across the social sciences into a practical guide to support meaningful discussion of climate change and health with individuals and groups.

  • Tracking the connections between public health and climate change. The Lancet: 2020. No continent, country or community is immune from the health impacts of climate change. Aligning the global COVID-19 recovery with our response to climate change offers the chance to protect health, promote a sustainable economy, and preserve our planet. Our 2020 Report tracks the relationship between health and climate change across five key domains and over 40 indicators.

  • COP24 Special report: Health & Climate Change, World Health Organisation: 2018. The report is based on contributions from over 80 health professionals, academic experts, representatives of civil society and international agencies who have worked on climate change and health for over three decades.
